Oh nayaka thy keoras scent attracts thy taruna with her sighs
See the sarada moon brilliant eye in the sky
Jeweled with sapphire and opal lights studding the velvet on high
See the river flowing like molten silvery water wet moon light flashing gems like Indras net
Hear the peacock’s calls wafting o’er Vesyagrihas cities walls
Summoning to malati bowers lovers all
Hear the Dipak ragas languorous notes fill the night with voluptuous melodies
Smell the aragaja wafting from garlanded balconies
Smell the love lust as my skin hair stands and perspiration pours Oh nayaka thy taruna calls
Title | Gitavesya of Yonidarsaniya of Vesyagriha |
Author | Dean, Colin Leslie |
Published | Gamahucher Press, West Geelong, Vic, 2009 |
Pages | 15 |
Subject | Erotic poetry, Australian poetry |
ISBN | 1876347767 |
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