Ahh Dearest reciter `didst one Poet once write onst the plight of the many with insight to the few exhorting they to Rise like Lions after slumber with perhaps not the wit of Euphuism for he didst believe that for the people a more popular tone with less strict number be the form so I doth with less wit doth try onst air my thoughts to be writ onst that idealism that flowed fromst that Poets nib all that canst I say be that his eyes didst not see the real But Ahh that Hunt his tract didst not insert for he thought rightly that the public hadst not sufficient discerning andst didst time prove he right for only whenst again life be respected didst they rise andst hear be the learning that whilst that Poet didst onst his part onst idealism much theorize right or wrong Ohh that Poet hadst such a loving hart
Title | The Mask of Anarchy
Author | Dean, Colin Leslie |
Published | Gamahucher Press, West Geelong, Vic, 2024 |
Pages | 23 |
Subject | poetry |
ISBN | 9781876347619 |
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