the perversity of denying the perverse
for the pure all things are pure
ah then the deformed beautified the aestheticing of the sordid the morbid the self-indulgent languor of the perverse the exquisite songs of the soul-sick whose lips be wet with the kiss of decay wet with the tints of decomposition the world-weary bathing in sensations of perversity living in pestilential fogs the soul-sick whose flesh be the pallor of chlorosis bathes in stagnate water breathes in the odors of orchids whose soul drowns in an atmosphere of perfumed flowers to be submerged in the perversity of new sensations ah that soul-sick will burn like a gemlike flame in those exquisite moments of sordid perversity the perversity of denying the perverse
for the pure all things are pure

Title Salome poem by c dean
Author Dean, Colin Leslie
Published Gamahucher Press, West Geelong, Vic, 2016
Pages 32
Subject Poetry
ISBN 9781876347848


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