Ahh Dearest reciter must I to thee confess that my wit be poor andst my wit be so less to tell to thee inst lines that alas be poorly writ though my thoughts maybe deep my skill at wit be so shallow to not fill a true poets quills nib Yea hear I go with my try to tell about hubris that egos snare where that ego doth But scatter its scum for those of pride of consequence do not care to what be bought with that hubris for their vanities doth to heaven to soar to the very Gods they aspire with their desire to seek all the world to be the dumping ground of their pride But alas to ruin everything be brought fromst an ego that its will imposed is sought uponst the world that fromst such hubris no restraint canst be taught

Title Prometheus Bound




Author Dean, Colin Leslie
Published Gamahucher Press, West Geelong, Vic, 2024
Pages 23
Subject poetry
ISBN 9781876347619


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