Thee that looketh upon thy face gaze with eyes in amour taketh heed the sayings of the wise youth wears decay upon its face what is freshly born is born to age Oh flower in the garden sweet remembereth that each bloom willst withered be and its petals weep Oh bloom of youth thee is born to grieve to wither and fade and goeth the way of all born of earth dust to dust and like Ozymandias nothing besides remains ast singeth Khayyam “the flower that once has blown for ever dies” take heed of Mu’tamid King of Sevill ”Woo not the World” and sing with him “ Tears of the World” “.. is become a sea-wave of sand and sound and foam”
Title | Narcissism
Poems by |
Author | Dean, Colin Leslie |
Published | Gamahucher Press, West Geelong, Vic, 2018 |
Pages | 18 |
Subject | Poetry |
ISBN | 9781876347309 |
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