Idolatry to prostrate thee to what thee worships to worship to adore to languish in the glow of thy god to pray upon the idol of thee to glory in thy idolatry to bow down to sing hymns of praise to the idol of thee idolatry anathema to Jew Protestant Moslem and Sikh Idolatry to love the divine to drink in the sight of thy idol to fold in to embrace to relish in thy idolatry bow thee down prostrate the be kiss the idol of thy idolatry burn with passion with heated fire of thy desires to breathe out sighs of ravishment in thy idols sight to swoon to erupt into raptures ineffable to burst into flames of incomprehensible delights to be absorbed to be fused with the idol of thy idolatry
Title | idolatry poem by c dean |
Author | Dean, Colin Leslie |
Published | Gamahucher Press, West Geelong, Vic, 2014 |
Pages | 28 |
Subject | Poetry |
ISBN | 9781876347279 |
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