PREFACE Of thee that doth like to finde deep thoughts inst allegories metaphors rhetorics fine tropes so let I But talk of Beauty andst let I hope thy minde doth be not be dull to fine what my minde doth try to inst thy skull fromst mine for all Beauty we all doth to incline But hast thee thought what Beauty doth to the ladies minde doth to instil whenst inst thy eyes she her eyes finde But doth thee know that whenst her lips doth smile those other lips likewise doth likewise smile with dew along the lips unfurled tips heated flames of boiling pool flesh pouting if thee couldst But see Ahh that panty cloth be But damp with spot of fluids glow that ast the eyes doth to look the spot doth grow to soak the pantys cloth now thee doth know whenst she doth smile a boiling spring doth flow wetting the bloom furling perfuming that panty cloth within that what once wast gloom
Title | Epipsyche
Author | Dean, Colin Leslie |
Published | Gamahucher Press, West Geelong, Vic, 2025 |
Pages | 21 |
Subject | poetry |
ISBN | 9781876347619 |
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