Come listen thee to my tale I seek to tell that seeks to write with wit to use But words inst some magic spell Ahh dearest fool the task be not andst easy thing for thee for I not tell my tale inst metaphor or similes or e’en inst delightful metaphors for dearest fool write I to thee of what I doth have to tell But inst conceits my argument be framed where word andst name be not the same with eloquence hope I to to say my say But where its philosophy be But for thee to unpack that mystery andst whenst thee see perhaps inst shame thee be or whenst the veil doth lift thenst poor fool perhaps all thee doth find is disgust inst thy mind
Title | Babelmandel
Author | Dean, Colin Leslie |
Published | Gamahucher Press, West Geelong, Vic, 2024 |
Pages | 20 |
Subject | poetry |
ISBN | 9781876347619 |
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