That thee wouldst with these poems ast sayeth some critic thee wouldst ‘…gloat over them and roll them on the tongue…” may those with the higher morality offended be for that wouldst be enough to say that I have succeeded in bringing thee certain renderings of moods of emotions and refined sensibilities in the form of exquisite artificialities divorced fromst morality that thee will luxuriate that thee will bath thy flesh thy soul in these portraits of artificial sensibility that thee will inhale these poems perfumes of patchouli and dissolve into paroxysms of ravish delight
Title | the scent Of Patchouli Poems by c |
Author | Dean, Colin Leslie |
Published | Gamahucher Press, West Geelong, Vic, 2016 |
Pages | 42 |
Subject | Poetry |
ISBN | 9781876347775 |
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