Preface Ah the eruption of the meaninglessness of all That thee may plunge into the “great negation” that abyss of “suffering love” that great surrender the unselfing of thee that surrender to all “I am nothing I have nothing I desire nothing “be thy call “the fathomless sinking into the fathomless nothingness” that be thy calling dwelling in the “naughted soul” of thy selfs ashes be thy mystic death blankness desire solitude be thy being in that dark night of the soul -launched by “Each view contains within it its negation as all views end in meaninglessness”-
the “naughted soul”to emerge in the flaming reality of the “dazzling darkness of its home’ bursting reborn into the brilliancy of a transcendental self “sunk in deep tranquility” “immersed in quiet silence”
Title | Passementerie Poems by c Dean |
Author | Dean, Colin Leslie |
Published | Gamahucher Press, West Geelong, Vic, 2016 |
Pages | 18 |
Subject | Poetry |
ISBN | 9781876347511 |
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