Aske thee of me what be this poesy be be it tame be of it of some fame canst we claim it be a work of Dante or Petrarke a Sidney Spenser or of like the Bard willst some Beatrice or Laura inst panty luv to seep Nymphs Sirens their legs spread to keep doth this poesy out sing Dear Orpheus doth dull all other poets Muses andst clips all Shepheards reeds hath all goddesses to this poet to give to his voice all that doth surpass all human witt that all laurels uponst his head be led andst immortal praise be uponst this work be fed with flames willst the Bard this poet his crown to be to pass so to I thee doth But aske andst doth to this task doth I say this this poet doth But just blow it out his ass
Title | Ode to the North Wind
Author | Dean, Colin Leslie |
Published | Gamahucher Press, West Geelong, Vic, 2024 |
Pages | 41 |
Subject | poetry |
ISBN | 9781876347619 |
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