Ahh some wits their Muse their minde doth entertaine with storms of thoughts of living joys hot heated desires of heated flames all food for their wits brought Yet some of these wits neede solitude for their creativity to feed Yet still need to be alone not Yet others need for their creativity to be alone inst aloneness completely for their inspiration to be But fed unprisioned they be fromst marriage relationships love andst all things inst between for these things for these wits be But things to still to kill with banalities their creativity for these wits poesy doth bloom spontaneously to write what doth to spill fromst their mindes at anytime that doth inspiration to fly where those other wits must finde the time andst by then inspirations hast But flown by forever lost never again that gem that didst inspire to finde
Title | Ode on Aloneness
Author | Dean, Colin Leslie |
Published | Gamahucher Press, West Geelong, Vic, 2024 |
Pages | 25 |
Subject | poetry |
ISBN | 9781876347619 |
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