The feverish storm that ferments in the veins of the sick of mind of the soul sick where hallucinations of desires fires the fevered flesh of the hungry pain where the pulsating blood fires the yearnings that lurk ‘neath the heaving breast that exhaust the flesh with sensual anemia with depravities of passions sensual anemia wallowing in squalid salacity with mouth gaping for the tastings of voluptuous flesh to suck the juices of the flowerings of youth to dive into sordid debaucheries with the unslippered feet of legs unstockinged to lust with impious sensuality o’er the ripe bursting flesh of youth with mouth frothing with crapulous intoxications of the flesh bursting with hysterical desire oh that all these sensual things wouldst o’erwhelm I and into the depravity of my mind take I into paradise upon the wings of lust
Title | La Mousmé Poem by c dean |
Author | Dean, Colin Leslie |
Published | Gamahucher Press, West Geelong, Vic, 2016 |
Pages | 28 |
Subject | Poetry |
ISBN | 9781876347821 |
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