Preface Ah Wabi-sabi, the beauty of things things imperfect things impermanent things incomplete Ah Wabi-sabi in an altered state of consciousness to see in the mundane and simple Ah Miyabi (雅) the polished manners the polished diction the polished feelings that eliminate all roughness and crudity achieves the highest grace
Ah Shibui (渋い) that beauty of simple subtle, and unobtrusive beauty Ah Iki (いき, 粋) ) poems of simplicity sophistication spontaneity and originality Ah Shibui (渋い) poetry of that is ephemeral straightforward measured and unselfconscious Ah Jo-ha-kyū (序破急) those poems with a tempo that begins slowly accelerates and then ends swiftly Ah Yūgen (幽玄) those poems with that are “dim” “deep” or “mysterious” Those poems that speak of the subtle profundity of things those things that are only vaguely suggested those poems that suggests that which is beyond what can be said Ah Yūgen (幽玄) A h read these poems Ah with Wabi-sabi with Miyabi (雅) with Shibui (渋い) with Jo-ha-kyū (序破急) with Yūgen (幽玄)

Title Kujiru
Mara no Kai
henoko no Bobo
Chinpoko no Tsubi

Poems by c

Author Dean, Colin Leslie
Published Gamahucher Press, West Geelong, Vic, 2016
Pages 38
Subject Poetry
ISBN 9781876347368



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