PREFACE Ahh join lips to lips in that bridle rite join lips to lips in mystic unity that bride to thee to she and she throw back thy heads in madness full of enthusiasm in ecstasy Maenads in bacchanalia in enthusiasms frenzy shout and cry in raptures bliss fly each to each and each in thee and me
and each a we fly fly delirious each possessed into maddening trance thy veins in rhythms rapturous thy breathings heated sweet Maenads crazy pulses beating to the cravings lustings beat
Title | Anakalyptēria Of zōnē Translated by Kerikles POEMS by C DEAN |
Author | Dean, Colin Leslie |
Published | Gamahucher Press, West Geelong, Vic, 2021 |
Pages | 21 |
Subject | Poetry |
ISBN | 9781876347139 |
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